華倫.班尼斯(Warren Bennis,1925年3月8日~2014年7月31日)是領導學大師,著有《領導者》(Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge)、《領導,不需要頭銜》(On Becoming a Leader)等書。生前是南加大馬歇爾商學院領導力發展機構(Leadership Institute at University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business)創辦人。班尼斯曾為多位美國總統與企業執行長的顧問,著作超過30本,專著廣泛討論領導、變革與創意合作。班尼斯留給世人最著名的領導金句為:
管理者是「把事情做對」的人,領導者則是「做對的事情」的人。(Managers are people who do things right and leaders are people who do the right thing.)
《富比世》(Forbes)雜誌將班尼斯奉為「領導大師學院院長」。英國管理學大師查爾斯.韓第(Charles Handy)稱讚班尼斯「最大的天賦在他尋獲意義和訊息的能力,而其他人只看到事情的經過,或是昨日的新聞。」
管理者執行;領導者創新。(The manager administers; the leader innovates.)
管理者是影本;領導者是正本。( The manager is a copy; the leader is an original.)
管理者維持;領導者發展。(The manager maintains; the leader develops.)
管理者注重系統與結構;領導者注重的是人。( The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people.)
管理者靠控制;領導者懂得激發信任。(The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust.)
管理者眼光短淺;領導者看得長遠。(The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective.)
管理者問「如何」與「何時」;領導者則問「什麼」與「為什麼」。(The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.)
管理者只看近利;領導者會遠眺地平線(放眼未來)。(The manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line; the leader’s eye is on the horizon.)
管理者凡事模仿,領導者凡事原創。(The manager imitates; the leader originates.)
管理者接受現狀;領導者挑戰現狀。( **The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it.)
管理者是(聽從命令的)標準士兵;領導者自有主見。(The manager is the classic good soldier; the leader is his or her own person.)
管理者把事情做對,領導者做對的事情。( The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing.)