更快更安全的h2 (http 2)

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) has been around since 1991, and we haven’t seen a major update since 1999, when HTTP/1.1 was released. During this time a lot of performance best practices have been passed around the web to try and circumvent some of the shortcomings in HTTP/1.1.

Sites such asPingdomandGTmetrixare the de facto when it comes to measuring a site’s performance and for the most part they’re excellent tools. However, some of their recommendations aren’t relevant in the era of HTTP/2.

更快更安全的 HTTP 2

如果說有一項技術可以讓你的網站瀏覽起來更快、更安全、SEO 加分,而且網站工程師不需要改 code 就可以全站使用。更重要的是,還不用額外花錢,天底下有這麼好的事情嗎?

話說 HTTP 通訊協定是全球資訊網(WWW)的基礎,是瀏覽器和網站伺服器之間的通訊協定。而HTTP/2是 HTTP/1.1 從 1999 年發布以來,十六年來的最重要的一次升級,這次升級的主要目的,就是為了改善瀏覽器的網頁下載速度(Page Load Time)。


開源資料庫RethinkDB在官方部落格表示,RethinkDB經過5年的開發後,已達可正式發表的產品階段,目前RethinkDB 2.0已可下載。

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